As a business owner, you’d like to think that employees spend your money as if it were theirs. Especially in the imaging channel where parts, supplies, and field service operations are the main determining factors in your overall profit. “Other
In a typical month, BEI Services monitors over 800,000 service calls, performed by 14,000+ technicians. One statistic we watch closely is the percentage of calls a service team cannot complete because they don’t have the right part. That’s right, the
Most office imaging owners and senior managers have a difficult time answering this question: is your service team efficient? Most dealers feel their team is competent, and their service technicians go “above and beyond” for the customers, but answering the
Business owners may be forgiven for questioning whether websites are on a path towards obsolescence as users increasingly move to mobile devices for accessing content. When this trend to mobile is combined with the ever-increasing popularity of cloud-based apps designed
You may have noticed we recently published a blog titled "Is your website designed to help keep you in business?". This was the first in a series of posts designed to help you better understand why it's so important for
We have previously argued that a company website is the foundation for its online presence and, without an online presence, it is destined to disappear from view. Make no mistake, by disappear from view we mean, ultimately, it's going out
As COVID19 continues to move across the country, our industry is going to be faced with some very unique challenges and opportunities. At NEXERA, our team has been focusing on ways our customers can maximize opportunities that exist in an